Thursday, February 19, 2009


That's me!

Yesterday was the first time I saw the infamous 6B since last Thursday's mini-meltdown. I was nervous and anxious, but also hopeful and determined. I was not about to let the little buggers get the best of me!

To prepare, I dug out my trusty copy of The First Days of School by Harry K. Wong. This is a great book, often given to new teachers. My mom gave me my copy, which I read a little at the time, and used in the seven years since as a reference for various papers I had to write for various teacher courses I had to take. Otherwise, it has sat on my bookcase.

I took it to school yesterday and spent most of my morning prep time reading it. At first, I felt as though I was what Wong calls an ineffective teacher. Some of the things ineffective teachers do, I was guilty of.

But I was heartened to see that I was doing a lot of effective things, too. I write the agenda on the board every day, and always in the same place. My kids still sometimes ask, "What are we doing today?" but they're getting better at looking at the board before opening their mouths.

Armed with my review of effective teaching strategies and a huge roll of tickets, I faced 6B with my plan firmly in place.

For starters, every name was on the board--however, no one was in trouble. I had written every single name under the heading Star Students, and I informed them that having their name up there is not a bad thing--I think they're stars simply because they came in quietly and sat down in their assigned spots, getting to work on the assignment I gave them as they came in.

I also explained that for every check they got next to their names, they would get a ticket. Tickets can be submitted for a drawing, in which they can win things like Hot Cheetos (a hot commodity), Skittles, and silly little games.

Those kids WANT tickets. They'll do about anything to earn them. Only one student said, "I don't want my tickets, Ms. C." I replied, "Well, R, you earned them. I'll putting them in the box for you." He ended up doing it himself.

When 6B left yesterday, I noticed my room was cleaner than they usually leave it. They walked a little more quietly to the front of the school for dismissal. They weren't perfect angels, but it was such a huge step up from last week.

Tomorrow they get to see their kindergarten art buddies, and we'll be making Mardi Gras jester hats. : )

That's not where my superpowers end, however.

I dragged my lazy butt to the gym! And not only did I do 30 minutes on the cross-trainer, I also signed up for 10 sessions with a personal trainer. I start tomorrow, and I'm actually quite excited. I told the trainer that I need motivation to get back into working out regularly, and having an appointment is a good start. Hopefully soon I'll also find a workout buddy to meet up with. I figure if I can make it to the gym three or four times a week, I'm doing well.

We'll also be discussing a nutrition program that works for me, and I hope to become more jazzed by working out again. I've been doing the same old weight program for a while, and frankly, it's just not doing anything for me anymore.

So yes, I am Superwoman. I feel really good this week. I got a postcard from Auntie Flo--she'll be back in a few weeks, but she's not bringing Anxiety and Chaos with her. I told her they are not welcome.


Unknown said...

Yay for feeling good! I'm glad your kids are getting better, and if you can make it to the gym you are my hero. I can't force myself to work out no matter how hard I try. No way, no how.

Meg said...

It doesn't hurt that my trainer is a big, muscly piece of eye candy. Of course, he's too young for me, and was smacking his gum while talking, but oh, is he pretty to look at!

Dani said...

OH MAN. I am guilty of the gum-smacking and hate myself for it because it is so annoying. Haha. I'm going to start visiting the gym regularly soon myself and am looking forward to it. Normally I'd just go running, but I don't consider the area safe for outdoor activity. Win for Meg!

Meg said...

I smack my gum when I'm by myself, but I'm careful not to in company. :P

I do not run. I love the cross-trainer, the elliptical...but I hate the treadmill, and concrete is not kind to any part of my body. So I avoid running. Gym it is!

Miz Minka said...

I'm so glad the strategy for 6B worked -- Yay You! :) And congrats on the newly-found inspiration to live healthier. You go, girl!