Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Counting Down

Yeah, so my hormones have still been kind of topsy-turvy this week. Monday, in particular, was rough. Instead of being the Ms. Hyde of last week, I was Weepy McCrybaby. Tuesday rolled around, and I went out for my morning run. I was feeling pretty good after a short but intense run, when I saw an ambulance and fire truck in front of someone's house as I walked home.

I do not know the people who live in the house in question, and I have no idea what was going on inside that house, but as I walked by, going to the opposite side of the street to stay out of the way and show a little respect, tears sprang to my eyes.

My behavior since Thursday has been so out-of-the-ordinary, so dramatically swinging back-and-forth between crying, being angry, being stressed, being happy, that I hardly know which way is up. Feeling empathy for a stranger in distress is perfectly logical. Crying at the sight of an ambulance is not.

When I got home, I talked to my parents a bit. Much as I tried to hide my distress these last several days, they've noticed it. I told them my Pill theory, they agreed. So I got on the phone to Planned Parenthood, and on Monday, I'm going in to talk to the nurse practitioner about different options. I cannot live like this.

Anyway, none of this has anything to do with the title of this blog post. What am I counting down for?


Woohoo!! Yep, Keane are playing in San Francisco on Friday night, and I'm so excited to hear them live again. I'm meeting Summer at the BART station in Oakland, and we'll ride in, get a spot of dinner, and enjoy the show. I can't tell you how great it's going to feel to listen to my favorite band play some of my favorite songs live as I dance and sing along. Downright therapeutic!

So roll on, Friday. Today has been much better (it helps that yesterday was pay day times two, making up for a snafu that happened, making me NOT get paid at the end of December as I was supposed to, which didn't exactly help my recent stress any) and I can see things getting brighter as I head towards the weekend. It's a busy weekend, with Keane, driving, some possible beach time on Saturday, a Sunday choir rehearsal, and the Niners being in the playoffs on Sunday evening.

Bring it on--I need some fun and toes-in-sand action!

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