Monday, December 03, 2012

Pumpkin Snickerdoodles

If you are friends with me on Facebook, you might recall a week-and-a-half ago, when I mentioned making eight dozen pumpkin snickerdoodle cookies in one Sunday morning.

Yeah. Oy.

They are fantastic cookies (recipe can be found here--came to me via Pinterest)--soft, chewy, with a lovely flavor that is not overly sweet. If you love pumpkin, you'll love these.

Anyway, the cookies were made a week in advance of a Christmas Cookie Exchange that Mom's friend Harriet hosts each year, and a day in advance of Mom's shoulder surgery. We froze them for a week and thawed them on Saturday morning--they were still soft and gorgeous.

Anywho, enough words. I attended the exchange with Mom (she can't drive just yet) and had a lovely time. I took a few pictures because who doesn't love cookies?

I had some almond-flavored champagne. It was gorgeous.

The table, groaning under the weight of all that sugar!

The marshmallows would be super-easy to make, and kids would LOVE

On the right--Cherry Drop Chocolate Chip cookies.

A little blurry, but yes, they do look delicious!

I made an unabashed pig of myself. No regrets. Harriet even provided
ice-cold milk, which was just perfect.

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