Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pictures Of Sacramento

Yesterday I went to Sacramento to attend a job fair. It was a small one, but worth going, I suppose.

While down there, I took a few random pictures, including a few of Occupy Sacramento. Whatever you think of the Occupy movement, you have to admire their commitment to their cause. I'm sort of in the middle--I'm not entirely sure I agree with everything they're about, but I certainly think they have a First Amendment right to peaceful protest and some of the actions taken against the various occupy movements have been atrocious. Our right to free speech must be protected!

Anyway, enough about that. Sacramento was looking lovely on a crisp late fall day.

From the parking garage.

Another from the parking garage (I had to park on the 5th floor).

Along J Street

The Masonic Hall where the job fair was held.

A peek at the capitol building.

Cesar Chavez Park

Occupy headquarters--there was one man there. I guess they work in shifts.

The trees, the way the light is falling, the building in the background...I quite
like this shot.

1 comment:

ATV Chains said...

Nice boardings. We could find daily boardings which are hanged on road/shop/tree etc.. Glad to see Occupy Sacramento pictures here.