Sunday, November 27, 2011

Another Blog About Running

Here she goes again, blogging about running!

I can't help it, I've had such a great breakthrough weekend. Of course, I shared on Friday that I'd had a good run that evening--not fantastic, but I made it through and it wasn't pain and agony with every step. Saturday morning, I had an even better run--I made one 20-minute interval and I was quite proud of this, even though it was a very slow pace.

The bottom line is, I'm getting back into fighting form, which is great news. It will be fun to brag to M. the Reasonable tomorrow (by the way, Maayan says this nickname is not "badass" enough compared to my former trainers' nicknames, but I think that M. himself was kind of apprehensive about me dreaming up a nickname that was along the same lines as Sadist and Meanie). He will be pleased with my running...we'll see what he thinks of the nickname!

I went back through my old Diary of a Fat Girl tag tonight, to the earliest days of my training. I can barely remember what it was like to work with B. the Sadist and C. the Sweetie--it's all been drowned out by seven rigorous months with G. the Meanie. So going back, I found the post in which I first whined about running. C. the Sweetie made me run a two-minute interval on the treadmill one day and I absolutely wanted to expire right then and there. I laugh, now. How far I've come!

This weekend felt like a breakthrough for me because I actually didn't mind being out there, pounding the pavement. I went back to my best running days of June/July/August 2010, when I found that running, while not the most pleasant thing I can think to do (there is always going to be the chance of shin splints), at least helped me clear my head and feel that I'd accomplished something. Even M. admitted--at our first appointment--that he hates to run. He does it, though, because it's the best way to burn calories--better than any machine in the gym. (G. didn't even want me looking at the elliptical--he insisted I was not working on it and that was that.)

The best result of all this running is, well, feeling good, yes, but also sleeping well. Every night this weekend, I have had no trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking up early feeling refreshed and ready to face the day.

In other words, I'd better keep this up.

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