Thursday, February 03, 2011

Sappy Keane Blogging

I got up this morning to find (thanks to the lovely Sarah) that a new item had been posted on Keane's official site. This posting gave me three reasons to smile:

1. The boys are supporting Red Nose Day 2011, a British day of charity that is loads of fun for a terrific cause.

2. The post (and accompanying picture) was used to announce that Jesse Quin is now officially a member of Keane (since 2007, he's been the "touring bassist," though he's been on the last two albums and is working with them on the one in production now). In most fans' hearts, he was already a member of Keane, and I was just as excited to meet him before the Mt. Desolation show in October as I was to meet Tim and Richard in July. He's an incredibly talented musician and absolutely lovely in person. I'll never forget him responding to my smile and wave has he walked past us with a big grin and a wave back.

3. THIS PICTURE (photo credit: Bryan Adams):

From left to right: Tim, Tom, Jesse, Richard in their Red Nose Day t-shirts.
I kind of really, really want the Shakespeare one.

This picture (view it in full size here) is so full of win, I can hardly contain myself. It immediately brought a smile to my face which hasn't left all day. Tim's Buddy Holly glasses and terrible hat, Jesse's shoes (worn throughout the Mt. Desolation tour), Richard's ridiculously cute hat and "I'm so tough" expression (this is the man who Tweets pics of his cats, volunteers for Amnesty International, and hugs fans, so we're not really buying it, Dickie), and Tom's stylin' jacket and cute face. The only thing that would make this picture better is if they had red noses on their faces.

Anyway, it's been a while since I blogged about "my boys," and this is just too awesome not to share.

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