Sunday, December 09, 2007

She Works Hard For Her Money


Okay, so, admitedly, sitting in the "driver's seat" of a racing arcade game in the foyer of the local WalMart isn't exactly hard work, but sit there for an hour watching a dozen hyperactive teenagers singing carols. It's not as fun and exciting as it may sound.

It's what I did last night, after following the above-mentioned teenagers to a couple of different house parties in town. Imagine my relief when they all got tired of singing at WalMart and I got to go home. Lovely!

This year I've been so much less stressed about carol gigs. Part of it, of course, is the meds, but also, there is something to be said for having last year under my belt. But having less stress does not mean that I like going on carol gigs--it's a necessary evil that comes with my job (even though I don't actually get paid for it). I still resent, just the tiniest bit, the parents who expect me to be out 'til all hours, all over the east bay, with their kids. I really resented sitting in the school parking lot (not the safest place for a young single woman) at 7:00 last night, waiting for perpetually-late teens to show up.

And frankly, I'm surprised I can still listen to The First Noel without upchucking.

Remarkably, I'm still able to listen to my holiday songs on iTunes, and I'm absolutely loving my decorations, and the Christmas shopping. It's just carol gigs I dislike.

On another topic, I found a fabulous blue dress to wear on New Year's Eve. I'm going to a jazz club in San Francisco with Heather and her man, to see Count Basie's band. By then, I'll be looking forward to hearing any music that doesn't contain the words Christmas, jingle, yule, Bethlehem, noel, or Santa...

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