Tuesday, October 05, 2004

So, how's Meg, anyway?

Meg's fine!

Friday was the culmination of a long, stressful, icky, sticky, nasty, gross, very bad week. I wasn't feeling very well, I had a cold sore, I was homesick, etc. Friday 5th period, it all came to a head. The straw that broke the ole camel's back.

I had my restful weekend, and now two days back at school, and I am feeling a lot better about everything. I just had to claw through the bad week. I knew going into this adventure that there would be bad days, weeks, etc.

It really helps that I have so much support from across the pond. So everyone who reads this, thank you for the positive thoughts and support. It is friends like you that make life easier.

And now, it is getting close to my bedtime. So off I go to get showered and ready for bed. : )



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