Saturday, August 21, 2004

If you hear screaming...

...know that everything is okay. I'm just having a packing meltdown.

How is it I've grown so attached to shoes? SHOES, for cryin' out loud!! And clothing. I swear, I've weeded a few thousand items of clothing out of my closet to take to Goodwill, and yet, I have a few thousand items to cram into two suitcases. At this rate I'll have to wear 3 tops, two pairs of pants, a cardigan and a jacket on the airplane.

But just try making me leave one item of clothing behind.

In the awesome news category, I have a place to stay when I get there. I'll be renting a room from the school's librarian. She has cats and dogs. I can be very happy with cats and dogs. She called yesterday and sounds like a very nice person...she's even picking me up at the station when I arrive in Burnham so I won't have to haul 3 tons of clothes and shoes through the streets, looking for her home.

So, things are coming together. Even the packing, really. I have one suitcase crammed full (and it's still under 70 pounds, the weight limit), and I think I'm going to be able to sort everything out in my remaining suitcase and carry-on.

Two days. ;)

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