Thursday, July 28, 2016


Today, Sacramento County recorded the paperwork, and now the condo is officially mine. As soon as I was able, I was in...and I took a few things.


Mostly, I took cleaning products, rags, my vacuum cleaner, etc. I'll spend the next few days cleaning (I'm pretty sure I found guinea pig poo wedged between the linoleum and the base boards in the bathroom, which just shows you how horrid the tenants were), and then start painting. I've had a few friends offer to help with that, so YAY. Because I've never painted a wall in my life.

I called Pacific Gas & Electric to get the power in my name, before leaving to buy new shower heads, a new toilet seat, shower curtain rods, and other odds and ends. But before locking the front door and heading out to run my errands (and then retire to my parents' house to sit in a darkened room because it's 106 bloody degrees out there today), I left a little bit of myself, to mark my territory.

Ginormo Swimmy will be on first watch. 

All the furniture I'm bringing in until the floors are done!

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