Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tales From the School Yard: Chalk Spacescapes

I recently got a project funded on Donors Choose, and within a week, my new art materials were pouring in...including some chalk pastels, which arrived just in time for this week's lessons.

My middle school kids would never admit it, but they do rather like trying new things, and the chalks have been a hit this week (you know your lesson plan is a win when a 7th grade boy walks in and says, "This is cool!!"). Yesterday, I made them follow along with a couple of videos that showed them how to use chalks and do some cool blending techniques, but today, I let them loose with black construction paper and a few sample ideas I found on the internet.

They took it from there. : )

This one is mine. Not finished!


I'll take more pictures as they finish, and I have plans to hang them around the school for everyone to enjoy.

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