Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Week That Was

On Friday, I logged into an online dating site to respond to a guy I've been emailing back-and-forth with since last weekend. He seems nice enough, and he's cute and funny. I apologized for a couple days' worth of radio silence, telling him that following the Troy Davis case and my own campaigning had taken up a lot of time, and that I was quite crushed that Troy's execution went through.

He responded that it is "cute" that I'm so passionate about a cause.

You can imagine my reaction. Cute? Seriously?

I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but still responded that there is nothing cute about caring about a cause and that many of my friends and I were devastated at the outcome on Wednesday. He has since responded, apologizing and telling me he thinks I'm cute, and that he admires my dedication. And for the most part, I believe him. Before this happened, I wasn't sure where I wanted things to go--meet him? Get to know him better? He's allergic to animals, which doesn't exactly make us a long-term possibility (Millie, Harley and I are a package deal).

But the "cute" remark was definitely a turn-off.

What a week it was--so emotional, with such a crushing low followed by amazing highs. Lindsay is having a boy, so the duck ladies are excited about little Thomas Liam (who really should be about the size of a baker potato right now...probably soon to be a spaghetti squash!). Maayan walked thirty miles over two days this weekend in Atlanta's annual Breast Cancer Walk. Life. It's such a beautiful thing.

This week, things are going back to normal. I will get to the gym, and run more. Mom and Dad are boarding a ship in Venice today, ready to embark on a two-week cruise that will take them to Croatia, Greece and Turkey. I'm holding the fort down here, making sure the cats are cared for, the bird feeders in the yard filled, and the house taken care of.

So things move forward, but I haven't forgotten that there is so much that can change in this world. I'm working on ways that I can help.

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