Tuesday, March 16, 2010


In the wake of the controversy over whether Constance McMillen should be allowed to go to her high school prom with her girlfriend or not, both Shameless Britni and Alana reminisced about their own proms. Seems that both of these awesome ladies had a bad time at prom. I had quite the opposite experience.

I only went to Junior prom, not Senior. I asked a friend from band, a sophomore boy named Justin. Apparently a few other band girls had wanted to ask him, too, but I got there first. I made it clear from the start that we were friends, no pressure, no expectations. I had no problem when he danced with a couple of mutual friends. We boogied down most of the evening, complained about the nasty prom food, and talked and laughed with all of our friends. It was a great evening.

And we looked ADORABLE. Isn't that the only thing that matters, anyway?


HubbleSpacePaws said...

So glad you had a good one! My sad history

Junior Prom: Date's mom went into the hospital that day - didn't go. Never wore the dress, either, and I paid for it myself. (Date's mom got better.)

Senior Prom: Wrangled to stay out all night - date got sick, too sick to dance - went home from prom early (no apres prom at all).


Also, G turned NASCAR monster post was a hoot!

Meg said...

How sad! Well, I never went to any other dances. I didn't date in high school. No one asked. :P

Glad you liked the last post. I love converting people to my way of thinking!! ;)

alana said...

Yay! Good to know someone enjoyed it ;)