Thursday, June 11, 2009

Beautiful (FAT) Girls, Part 4: Susan Boyle

If you haven't heard of Susan Boyle, it's okay. Don't worry. Just crawl back under your rock and keep hibernating.

I kid, I kid.

Susan Boyle is, of course, the cheeky, frumpy middle-aged woman who sashayed onto the stage of Britain's Got Talent and had the whole world mock her--until she opened her mouth.

Why did they mock her? She's plump. Her hair isn't perfectly-styled. It was so easy to dismiss Susan Boyle because she wasn't some sexpot pop tart. But Susan has two things those pop tarts don't--a voice. And humility.

It's the classic reminder to all of us--don't judge a book by its cover. Take a look inside first.