Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Under Pressure

I'm sitting here at my desk (at work), with my iPod headphones plugged into my ears, listening to Keane's awesome cover of Queen's "Under Pressure." It's one of my favorite Queen songs, and I love Keane's version, too. Mostly because Tom Chaplin's voice curls my toes.
Anyway, it's approptriate. School is out (the kids are pretty goosy right now, and so are the teachers) for the day, and we have a long staff meeting ahead this afternoon. Mrs. Principal has "a lot to tell" us. In a conversation I had with a colleague a few minutes ago, I mentioned that I'm bringing chocolate and Kleenex.
I wasn't joking.
I did not get a pink slip. However, mistakes were made in this school district and hearings have been held about it. MY NAME WAS MENTIONED. Yep, I'm here still by mistake.
VAPA could still get cut (that's Visual and Performing Arts, if you don't know what I mean by VAPA). I could still be out of a job. I have absolutely no idea.
Hence the loud singing along with "Under Pressure."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh no! Fingers crossed hard for you, darling!