Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blogs I Love

I'd like to formally introduce some of the blogs I read on a regular basis, with little explanations about what makes them tick and why I love them. Please note that they are in no particular order of love.


This fabulous blog was brought to my attention by a friend a few months ago, and I've been hooked ever since. Jezebel's editors and contributors are committed to bringing concerned "feminazi bonerkillers" (a little inside joke, we're actually quite rational) all the latest in celebrity news, fashion, politics and everything else. We even have a loyal group of Jezemen who are regular commenters.

Cake Wrecks

This gal is hilarious. Her goal is simple: expose the baddies of the baking world and the hideous wrecks they pass off as edible art.

Shae's Window to the Soul

Shae is a long-time friend, and her blog is the first I ever followed--she's been at it longer than I have, even. Her blog is always insightful, often amusing, and she's an excellent writer. I wish she'd update more!

The Travels of Stacey

I discovered this blog when I created my own travel blog (The Anxious Traveler). Stacey works on a cruise ship and has been everywhere. I envy her the places she has seen! She is keen on trying local food and seeing local culture, and her pictures are amazing.

Oh My God, That Britni's Shameless

Britni is a new friend, through that fabulous place called Jezebel. Her blog is best described in her own words:

This blog is a mix of sex, love, and bullshit. If sex-positivity, queer issues, and discussions that are completely inappropriate by society's standards make you uncomfortable, then you should probably leave now.

Often thought-provoking, always entertaining!

Margaret and Helen

Margaret and Helen have been friends for over sixty years. Their grandsons helped them set up a blog to keep in touch, and it has turned into a very entertaining political commentary. Helen rocks my world!

I Can Haz Cheeseburger (LOLCats)

If my cats could speak Human, they'd speak with bad grammar. If they could write, they'd have terrible spelling. I'm not sure I buy it, because sometimes I think they're smarter than I am.

However, as a premise for a blog, it's pure genius.

How To Be A Feminazi Bonerkiller On A Budget

This is a new one, put together by several Jezzie commenters I am friends with. They have some awesome ideas, and hopefully I'll get around to contributing soon.

Passive Agressive Notes

I just discovered this one tonight, thanks to my Pretty Pretty Princess friend. It is hysterically funny.

Through a glass, darkly

This is a new blogging venture by my friend, who wishes to remain anonymous. It is sometimes R-rated, so read at your own discretion/risk. It's just a chance for her to vent and share her stories anonymously.

You can see from my blog list that there are more that I read, but unfortunately, I can't list them all here right now. And of course, I love my own little corner of the blogosphere, which includes this, my beloved Little Pink Blog, The Anxious Traveler, Sign of the Times, and Confessions of a West Coast NASCAR Fan.

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