Friday, April 13, 2007

Gee, Ya Think?

Who didn't see this coming?

No matter what your moral views on sex outside of marriage, no one can deny that even kids wearing CTR (Choose the Right) rings and living the WWJD (What would Jesus do?) lifestyle are occasionally going to stray...some of these kids are going to have sex. Bottom line.

I teach teenagers--I have seen, on a daily basis, that each and every one of them, at some point, struggles with monumental decisions. What they have learned from parents, church and other adult sources does not always win out over basic peer pressure, teen rebellion and curiosity.

I am glad to see that some states are dropping the abstinence-only sex education program. It's time we stand up for common sense. The only way we're going to give our kids a chance to make an informed decision about sex is to give them information--all of it.

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