Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Oooh, Baby, Baby, It's a White World

I woke up at about 5:30 this morning because I am supposed to sub at the high school for a couple of classes before going to the middle school (next door) teaching my choir bunch.

I had my life-saving morning shower, then went downstairs for my customary bowl of Raisin Bran and a cup of hot chocolate. I brought the chocolate back upstairs to sit down at the computer and check my email. It was while I sat here at the computer that the phone rang--at about 6:30 or so.

I thought it would be someone in the school district begging me to sub, but it was the lady who is ahead of me on the middle school phone tree, calling to let me know that we are having a two-hour delay to starting school due to snow.

"Snow? Really?" I asked her increduously.

"Yeah, I can't see it, either. But I guess the really rural areas are pretty heavy with it," she replied.

Looking out my window, I could not see anything in the yard or streets.

Thirty or so minutes later, Dad got up and I told him about the call. He said, "Wow, snow!" I looked outside again, and saw that it was, indeed, a white world out there.

Of course, I had to throw on my boots and my coat and run out there with my camera.

Here's Rosie the Protege, covered in snow (I brushed most of it off to make defrosting easier when it's time to go to work):

The front yard

A piece of driftwood in our yard:

To the right of our house, looking up the hill:

To the left of our house:

Mom's little metal duck:

The view from Mom and Dad's bedroom window:

And our back deck and the forest behind:

See my Snow Cat? : )

Guess we won't be dining outside tonight.

Behind our "yard"

And finally, for Shae...my Snow Man and Snow Cat. They're pretty rough around the edges, but hey, I grew up in a not-so-snowy part of the world!!

Between Valentines Day and the snow--not to mention the shortened school day--I have a feeling the kids are going to be hyper today.

1 comment:

Sassy Shae said...

I am so jealous right now... I'm green.

I love the snow man and cat! :)