Monday, September 19, 2005

The ABCs of a Great Weekend

A is for Aweseome and Amazing Heather and I had a great time this weekend. It was fantastic to catch up with her and watch chick flicks and go shopping.

B is for Bridget Binges We binged on Bridget and Mark (watching both movies back-to-back) and on the standard delightful treats we enjoy on such occasions: Cheesy Poofs, Chocolate and Sour Strawberry Belts.

C is for Cosmopolitan Chicks Consuming Cosmopolitans Copious cups of Cosmos...

D is for Depositing our Derrieres on the Divan We did spend a nice chunk of time watching movies and relaxing this weekend. After partying like rock stars in Seattle, we needed it!

E is for Earnhardt is Enticing Even Heather had to admit that Dale Earnhardt Jr. is a cutie. She was even so kind as to sit through a race with me. I just couldn't turn it off--my boy was running in the top 5 for the first time in months.

F is for Fit Firemen at Fado Oh, my...we went to an Irish pub called Fado and saw fit firemen de-frocking for fundrasing. Well, taking their T-shirts off, anyway.

G is for Granola-Gobbling Girls Let's just say that the number of granola-eating, dreadlocked, blue-haired, flannel-wearing ladies in Seattle is quite high. I do not have a problem with this. In fact, I have to celebrate it, because a gal like me, who wears eye makeup on a regular basis, dresses in cute clothes, and has soft, silky hair, really seems to catch the eye of the men of Seattle. ; )

H is for Hysterical Happy Hugging What happens when two gal friends haven't seen each other in 8 months meet up at an airport...

I is for Insane Incidents Like having a girl try to hit on Heather. Or our silly drunken selves not inviting the cute guy to sit and have a drink with us. Or going up 520 feet in the Space Needle when hung over.

J is for a Jefferson County Jaunt Heather got to see the basic parts of Jefferson County that I do business in. We relaxed at Mom and Dad's place, window-shopped in the Victorian town of Port Townsend, and drove through Chimacum and Port Hadlock.

K is for Krazy Kittens Kracking us up Safe to say that someone with her own cat named Sweetie is going to love Bella and Duchess.

L is for Laughing Like Lunatics I can't possibly share what it is that made us laugh at one particular moment because 1. It's a girl thing and 2. I can't explain it in writing. But suffice it to say that we laughed so hard we both cried and I nearly drove us off the road.

M is for Mango Martinis Many Mango Martinis in the hotel room while getting dolled up for dinner.

N is for Nodding off in the car While we waited for the ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island, we both had to crank our seats back and have a cat-nap. Hangovers!

O is for Ogling the Opposite sex There are some handsome, fit men in Seattle. Mmmhmmm....

P Partying like Princesses Or rock stars. Because that's what we did on Thursday night in Seattle. We continued that on Friday morning with room service and we even trashed the room. Okay, we only left the towels on the floor.

Q is for Quick Quotes Between the two of us, we can quote the entire first Bridget Jones movie. We're working on the second.

R is for a Rigorous Retail Relay Nordstroms, Ann Taylor and Old Navy will never be the same now that Heather and I have stormed through. And I might add that thanks to these shops, we looked adorable at dinner and the bar on Thursday evening.

S is for Super Seattle and Sightseeing with Space and Sci-Fi Seattle is a great city, and home to the Space Needle (great views but the damn thing sways in the wind) and a Sci-Fi museum, where Heather got her fill of Star Trek memorabilia.

T is for Totally Twins It is quite freaky how many times in one weekend we could be looking in opposite directions at a shop, then simultaneously turn, point at the same object and say (in stereo), "Oooh, that's cute!!"

U is for Understanding and Unburdening I still have some homesickness for England. It comes and goes. Heather has had her share of big adventures in life and it was great to really talk about what made me leave, etc. And to get her perspective of what I was going through working at St. Peter's.

V is for the Views We had a decent view from our hotel room, but the view from the restaurant at the top of the hotel was amazing. As was the view from the top of the Space Needle. There is the view of Seattle from the ferry as you ride towards Bainbridge Island. And we can't forget the view of Ludlow Bay from the neighborhood. Lovely!

W is for Walking and Wishing We Weren't Wickedly Wrecked from Cosmos We walked across downtown Seattle and back. We did not take my car. We did not take the bus or the tram or the monorail. We walked. And burned off some of those mango martinis and Cosmopolitans from the night before.

X is for Xtremely X-rated Thoughts Well, not too X-rated (after all, this blog is PG!) but you sit around drinking cosmos while surrounded by Fit Firemen De-frocking and see where your thoughts lead...

Y is for Yawning It's late (past midnight!) as I write this, and it's been a hell of a weekend. Needless to say, I'm tired.

Z is for What I did this afternoon I had a two-hour nap after dropping Heather at SeaTac. We both knocked ourselves out this weekend but had a wonderful time doing so!

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