It started, really, when I got dressed for school. I pulled on black tights, comfy black Mary Janes, and a black long-sleeved tee. Over all of this, I wore a red dress with white polka dots. Last but not least, I donned my Minnie ears, and I was ready to go:

When I got to school, it was near-chaos. There were parents everywhere, helping kids with costumes. The kids were positively humming with excitement, comparing costumes on the playground, and running around.
My first group of the day was a kindergarten group. They were plenty excited to sing about their costumes (with me asking sing-song questions like, "Who is a pirate?" and "Who has red?"), but The Monster Mash seemed kind of lifeless when they did it. Humph.
After this, I went to Dorothy's room--er, that is, Ms. D., one of our first grade teachers, for my daily tutoring. Next, was two first grade classes. In one group of 40 children, there were three soldiers, three Spidermen, two Cinderellas, two Snow Whites, and two Sleeping Beauties. I thought I might be seeing double.
At one quiet point, I took a couple of pictures in my room:

The VAPA bulletin board has the "stained glass" project we did last week, using vellum paper and pens. I had the kids color the images on the back side to give it that muted look. Some, as you can see, went above and beyond.
At first/second grade recess, I took a candid shot from the doorway of my classroom, which looks out over the primary playground:

At lunchtime, there was a school-wide costume parade. The 7th and 8th graders lined the parade route to watch.

After school, the 7th and 8th grade teachers always supervise the front of the school to make sure kids are walking, not darting into the street, etc. I got some pictures of my colleagues.
Pippi Longstocking (aka Stacy):

Pamela the Groovy:

Janet, the Good Witch Counselor:

After work, I had to go to Target and Safeway. I didn't want to go home first. I know very well that had I come home, I would have stayed home, and I really needed some groceries.
I decided that if I was going into the store in the unlikely combination of black tights and red dress with white polka dots, then I needed to keep the ears on. So I did all of my errands in my full Minnie get-up, and I saw only two or three other adults in costumes.
A manager at Safeway smiled as she passed me in an aisle and said, "You look darling!" The bag boy, a tough-looking teenager, got a big grin on his face and said, "I officially LOVE your costume!" The little kids at school called me "Mickey" all day. I had to remind them that Mickey wears overalls, and Minnie wears the dress and bow.
All in all, a fun day. I'm going to hole up tonight (no candy here!) and continue reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. After some brief afternoon sun, it's clouding up again, and I hope it rains soon.
Happy Halloween to all!