That is what greeted me when I went to bed last night--three cats taking over the bed, leaving very little room for me. Duchess, royalty that she is, was in the prime spot, where my shoulders and head usually like to be. It took a few minutes to convince her that she needed to move.
Finally, everyone moved and I was able to climb into bed. Then, just when I was getting comfortable and realizing that it would be a chilly evening, all three cats deserted me, leaving me to fend for myself as far as getting warm! All the litter-box scooping and cookie-giving, and this is what I get?
In other news, I had a very fun evening tonight. Summer came to Stockton and we went to the first annual Taste of San Joaquin. There weren't a lot of restaurants, but the ones there were quality. We sampled mushroom filo triangles, veggie lumpia, fruit turnovers, tenderloin, coconut shrimp, Italian sodas, bruschetta, feta filo triangles...and then we waddled back to my car. I found that there are some good restaurants in town that I can't wait to try, so anyone who wants to visit and try them with me...well, name a day!
After that, we burned some calories by going to the mall to look around a bit. I was good, only buying a new pair of shoes for work, a cute blouse at Old Navy, and a couple of books at Barnes and Noble. Then we came back and watched some Grey's Anatomy. All in all, a lovely evening.
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