Especially since its anyone's guess if I'll be back there next year. I hate this screwed-up economy!

I am bored. Just in case the title of this post didn't give you that idea. My grades are done and put in the system. I have Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone going in the DVD player for the small group of 8th graders in my room. Promotion was this morning, and for a while, I babysat the kids who didn't have good enough behavior to participate. Now I've got some of the good kids just hanging out. Most of the 8th graders went home after promotion with their parents. Those who stayed are just hanging out. My room is almost completely clean. I have a few things to take down from the walls, but that can be done this afternoon and tomorrow. I just had a bathroom break. I had an envelope from Human Resources in my mailbox. I got a pit in my stomach until I read that according to this school district, I am considered "Highly Qualified" in meeting the regulations of the No Child Left Behind Act. Yay me. I should hope so--I majored in music education, I have a credential to teach music, and seven years of teaching music under my belt. Seven years...damn. Time flies, whether you're having any fun or not. Fortunately, I've had a lot of fun with my career--and some bad times--*cough* *cough*Antioch*cough* *cough*. So here I sit. I have seven boys watching Harry Potter, and about 3 1/2 hours left to my work day. I'll do some major cardio after work, then relax at home. Tomorrow is our last student day. Friday is a teacher day. Saturday, it's off to San Francisco for some well-earned fun and relaxation. In the meantime...I'm bored. Good thing I brought my book today. |
Dear students,
On Thursday, all trust I had in this class was violated by the theft of my iPod. I know that it was someone in this class who took it, as the iPod was in its dock in this room when I left and locked the door for lunch.
It is so very disappointing that one of my students would steal such a valuable item from me, and that others, who might have seen something or heard something, would not be honest with me, or with another teacher, if there is information you know.
It’s not about the iPod. Immediately after school I went to Best Buy and bought a new Nano, because I can afford to do so. It is about trust and character. I honestly believe that every student in this room has good character—but sometimes, we make bad choices. One person in this room made the choice to steal from me. The rest of you didn’t, and don’t deserve punishment or the indignity of a backpack search. However, you will find that life isn’t always fair, and sometimes all have to pay a price for the actions of one person.
Today, you will be required to finish a Character Counts assignment. You will stay seated in the seat I assigned you. You will not talk. You will have no need to get out of your chair. If you need a pencil sharpened, or anything else, you will raise your hand and wait patiently for me to assist you. My original plan for today and Tuesday was to allow you to watch a movie and draw. That will not be happening now.
If you finish this assignment before the end of the class period, you will remain seated at your desk, quietly.
Ms. C
My 5th period class just made maracas with kindergarten art buddies. There are beans and shell pasta (pasti?) all over the floor. I figure I have the easier end of the deal, though. The kinder teacher gets to take all the noisy maraca-makers back to her room! |
I'm sitting here at my desk (at work), with my iPod headphones plugged into my ears, listening to Keane's awesome cover of Queen's "Under Pressure." It's one of my favorite Queen songs, and I love Keane's version, too. Mostly because Tom Chaplin's voice curls my toes. Anyway, it's approptriate. School is out (the kids are pretty goosy right now, and so are the teachers) for the day, and we have a long staff meeting ahead this afternoon. Mrs. Principal has "a lot to tell" us. In a conversation I had with a colleague a few minutes ago, I mentioned that I'm bringing chocolate and Kleenex. I wasn't joking. I did not get a pink slip. However, mistakes were made in this school district and hearings have been held about it. MY NAME WAS MENTIONED. Yep, I'm here still by mistake. VAPA could still get cut (that's Visual and Performing Arts, if you don't know what I mean by VAPA). I could still be out of a job. I have absolutely no idea. Hence the loud singing along with "Under Pressure." |