My brother Aaron with two of his kids, Tyson and Echo
Aaron and I...many years ago. I must have been about seven or eight.

Aaron in 2002
Mom and Dad celebrating 40 years of marriage in 2008

Mom and I in Oregon in 1993. I was a freshman in high school.

Mom and Dad at a Flag Day luncheon for Dad's veteran's group
Mom, Aaron and I with Snoopy at Knott's Berry Farm

Back row: Dad, Mom, Katie, Susanne (sister-in-law), Aaron. Front row: Echo, Tyson, Grandma Cooper, Me. Dang, my arms look so much better now!
Grandma Bean (of Snoopy fame) and I on my 14th birthday.

Mom and I at an Alan Jackson concert in November 2008
Mom and I celebrating our successful post-Thanksgiving WalMart run--I will never subject myself to that madness again. Even for a $50 CD player.
Dad plays Santa and Mom is an elf, with Ruby, a pony from A Chance For Bliss

My favorite veteran on Veteran's Day 2007
A great pic of Mom and Dad in front of Monet's house at Giverny (Normandy, France). That was a great trip.

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