Meg tells us you'll be home tonight, but we don't get to see you 'til Friday. What's with that?
I mean, I understand that you want to get over the jet lag and all. You humans just don't understand the fine art of cat napping. Really, if Duckie and I had just made a cross-country flight, it would take maybe two hours under the bed napping, and then we'd be ready to go.
I suppose I can wait 'til Friday. Meg said something about the Kitty Khorus. Really, I hope she's not complaning. SHE doesn't have to be locked in that stupid little box, does she? She thinks the solution to our confusion and discomfort is to blast the air conditioning and her iPod thingie. Hmph.
Anyway, she treats us well, and gives me my rubbies every night. The food dish is always full, the potty pans aren't too bad (though they smell like that little orange
We get cookies every morning, and even I am eating them. If I don't, the little dude will get them, and that just doesn't seem right.
I'll have you know that Duckie and I will hide under the bed for a while when we get home, just to put you in your place. You humans! You never learn.
...but I still love you, Mommy.
Your Bell-boo.

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