What. A. Week!!
I haven't had the time or energy to put a coherent post together. It was a crazy, busy and incredibly satisfying week in my world. Here's what went down...
It's wonderful to be teaching again. Every day, I work up a sweat as I sing, move around, and talk to my kids. They are mostly quite attentive; there are a few boys who try to get away with talking and I've learned that when it comes to cell phones, Chinese teenagers are just like American teenagers and British teenagers...they don't want to put them away! But they do when I ask.
Their English skills are very good as far as listening and comprehending, but most of our charges are quite shy about speaking. They worry about embarrassing themselves, so we teachers encourage conversation (and singing!) as much as possible. I had to smile on Thursday when one girl approached me to ask how a word was pronounced in one of our songs (the word was "corporation"). She repeated to me a couple of times to make sure she had it. These kids very much want to speak English well.
I only teach an hour a day, but I end up staying at our center for about three hours when you factor getting there early and staying through lunch. I don't mind; I really like my colleagues and the kids are a joy--both the Chinese students and the American "buddies."
Making Connections
One of the most fun parts, of course, has been making connections across cultures. Our fearless leader, Gayliene, put a basketball hoop up in the courtyard area so the kids can play at lunchtime. It's fun watching these kids, from two very different cultures, bond over a sport they all love, and it inspired the following conversation between myself and one of the students at lunchtime on Thursday:
Me: So, you like basketball?
Student: Yes, I like basketball. [The students answer in complete sentences, which is refreshing after so many years of American--and British--kids simply grunting a half-hearted "yeah" in my general direction.]
Me: It's a fun game. I like to play, but I'm not very good. I'm too short! [Motioning with my hands to indicate my short stature.]
Student: Oh no! I think you'd do well!
Me: [Laughing] Did you know Sacramento has a basketball team?
Student: Yes! The Kings!
Me: I went to one of their games a few years ago and they were playing against the team on which Yao Ming plays.
Student: Yes! Yao Ming. He plays for the Houston Rockets! He is very good.
Me: And very tall!
At this, my student laughed and we parted ways. On Wednesday, a cute story emerged when one of our American "buddies," a son of one of the ESL teachers, bragged to me and his mom that he is great at using chopsticks (our cook had provided chopsticks for everyone, as we were eating terriyaki chicken for lunch). He ran off to join the Chinese students at a table. A few minutes later, one of his friends came over to us and asked where he could find a fork. Seems his new American buddy "has a hard time with chopsticks."
When he left, Jodi (Mom) and I burst out laughing.
Fitness Fool
With driving, teaching and hanging out at the center, I haven't let my workouts slide. I ran every day this week, except Tuesday, when I attempted some treadmill intervals but couldn't stop yawning. I also managed my three strength training days, but skimped on the swimming. This week will be better.
In other exciting news, I stopped by a local bike shop and asked some questions. I know I'm ultimately going to need assistance in all this from M. the Reasonable so that I don't walk out of there with a ton of stuff I don't need, but it was fun to look around the shop and get an idea of what prices are like, what the cycling world is about. I'll look at other shops, too, and the big sporting goods stores in the area. I can't wait to get my bike and get out there riding it.
In all of this busyness, you'd think I wouldn't find any time for my creative pursuits, but happily, this afternoon I made some new things for my Etsy shop.
Paper hearts glued around raffia to make a cute vertical banner. |
"French Provincial" card stock banner. |
I even managed some mad productivity this week--getting my TB test and Live Scan (fingerprinting) done for the new job, making sure my lesson plans for ESL Arts are in order, teaching my private music lessons, and finding time to write each day (not on the blog, obviously--I have started writing little things for myself, not for public consumption, mostly as a positive visualization exercise).
The Week Ahead
This week promises to be just as busy--and fun. I am tagging along on Wednesday as we take the kids to San Francisco. The plan so far is to walk them from Pier 39 to Ghirardelli Square, then take the trolley to Union Square. A lot of walking, a lot of shopping, a lot of sight-seeing. It should be a great day, though. I look forward to seeing the kids' reaction to a city that I love so well. I'll take lots of pictures.
I have my normal music lessons, as well, and I have to drop some paperwork off at the new school. And, of course, I will be running, swimming and strength training like the fitness nerd I am.
And in a bit of awesomeness, this Little Pink Blog will turn eight years old on Friday! Eight years--I can hardly believe I've stuck with blogging that long. I have a great big post planned for the occasion, and might do some fun little posts revolving around the number 8 this week.
So yes--the word of the week is "busy." That's not a bad thing--it's actually wonderful. I haven't felt so satisfied in a long time.