Sunday, July 29, 2012


Yesterday, I met Summer in Folsom for some frozen yogurt and a bit of shopping. We were poking around Michael's (the craft store) when I looked up and saw a lady staring at me with an odd look on her face.


Suddenly, I remembered her. It was a lady my parents used to know very well, who I hadn't seen in at least five years, maybe more. Suffice it to say, the last time she saw me, I definitely matched my before picture, and I still had blonde hair.

"Yes, it's me!" She gave me a big hug, and we chatted for a few minutes.

"I almost didn't know it was you! You look great!"

All I could think to say was, "Thank you...eighty-five pounds!"

It's the first time in the last three years that I've run into someone who doesn't know about my Odyssey, who hasn't been following it on Facebook or this blog--someone who was completely surprised by the changes in me. I admit, it felt really good to see her reaction, to know that despite the tricks my own mind plays on me, other people are shocked by the difference in me between before and now.

It's easy for me to forget just how much my body has changed in the last three years. I still focus on the tummy flab, the bits I want to tone up and slim down, whereas other people see the overall picture--I am very different than I used to be. Encounters like yesterday remind me that I have a lot to be proud of.

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