Okay, it's not Sunday, but I feel like posting some news headlines (of world import and Meg import) and commenting about them.
Move Along, People...
Dick Cheney shot his hunting buddy. The media sets up the Big Top and invites Barnum and Bailey to the show. I am by no means Dick Cheney's Number One Fan, but this whole
brouhaha about the shooting is getting out of hand. Why didn't we know sooner? Well, if I'd accidentally shot a friend while hunting, my first concern would be staying by his side and making sure he's okay. And, let's face it, I'd be a bit embarassed. But I'd tell everyone eventually.
Meanwhile, while American news pundits worry and gnash their teeth about the timing of the big "I shot my buddy" announcement:
All Hell is truly breaking loose over political cartoons depicting the Islamic prophet Muhammed in an unflattering light. People are
dying in the fracas caused by this, and a lot of anger is being directed at America, even though it was not an American who penned the cartoons.
2. The high court of New Jersey is hearing arguments about
gay marriage.
3. Europe is gearing up to fight
bird flu.
Can't we get our priorities straight?
At Least We Have Some Good News
TomKat are
not breaking up. Yet. What a weight off of my mind.
Faux Pas of Olympic Proportions
You have to laugh when the mens' figure skating has more
costume drama than the womens'.
My favorite quote:
An Austrian skater appeared to be wrapped in silver duct tape in Tuesday's short program. A Belgian was dressed as a computer game. And a Swiss costume elicited this reaction from NBC commentator Dick Button: "Looks like a distant family relative of my dining room curtains."
Johnny Weir in his infamous swan costume
Heh...Well, This Could Prove Useful
Bill Gates is
at it again. He wants to do away with passwords. This would be great news for people who forget their passwords on a regular basis. I'm not one of those, because I use one of 2 passwords for everything. And I ain't telling you what they are!
Oooh, Kathy Will Be Thrilled
She loves
Gary Oldman. I have to say that he makes a fabulous Sirius Black, so I'm happy about this.
In other Harry Potter news, there is more casting news
here. The Dursleys are returning!
No, No, No
James Blunt won Best Male Solo Artist at the 2006 Brits. James Blunt, as in the guy who sings "You're Beautiful" (guy on subway sees beautiful girl and proceeds to croon in a girly voice that it's "time to face the truth...I will never be with you..."). Yeah,
that James Blunt.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.
Now, I'll admit to listening to this when it comes on the radio, but I cannot, by any stretch of my imagination, figure out why this guy beat out Robbie Williams.
And while I'm complaining, who nominated Kiera Knightly for an Oscar? She is beautiful and a good little actress (I
love Bend it Like Beckham), but from all reports I've read and heard, she was a terrible Lizzie Bennett. I haven't seen the latest Pride and Prejudice, but Heather's negative review was enough for me. Kiera's no Jennifer Ehle (and I don't care to see that guy playing Mr. Darcy when everyone knows that Colin Firth is the only man alive who was born to play Darcy).
Aww, Man...
Yesterday I had a really rough day with my choir. We had a 2-hour delay to the start of school, Valentine's Day, an after-school dance, and a full moon to contend with. In short, my kids were shits yesterday. Really bratty and rude. My favorite moment was when one child said, "This is gay, especially you." (He's been suspended for that one).
You can imagine that after 50-odd minutes of this, I was not the happiest teacher on the planet. But what really put me over the edge was when a student told me that I have my favorites who never get in trouble.
I stopped the class then and there and said, "What makes me really mad is that anyone in here would think that I don't like some of you."
Then the worst part--I got tears in my eyes. I've never cried in front of students!
I went on to say, wildly pointing my fingers at the class, "I like each and every one of you. I
don't like your behavior sometimes."
They got really, really quiet. I got really, really embarassed.
Today, they were a bit subdued, and seemed more willing to listen to me. I apologized for losing control and told them, "I'm an adult. I don't like to lose control like that. But I'm human, too, and I have my moods just as any one of you." They sat there and listened.
What was really heartening was the number of kids who came to me, yesterday and today, to apologize. Kids who suddenly realized, "Whoa...I was a bit of a brat just now." One girl brought me a small bouquet of flowers.
Progress? Maybe. They're 11. I don't expect miracles, but I do expect them to try.
And that, my friends, is all I can find for today. : )