Much as I love the boy and his dog above, they're not who I'm talking about. : ) See this next pic:

Niiiice, eh? That boy just might win the Daytona 500 this weekend. I'll be watching from my living room and rooting for him.
Speaking of boys, I'm going out tonight to a Navy bar. It's just about time for me to scrub, pluck, polish, shine, smooth, lather and get my war paint on. My chosen top is being "fluffed" (dried with cool air to avoid shrinkage and fading) in the dryer (had to do a load of laundry so I'd have something to wear!) and I'm going to pair it with jeans and sassy shoes. Still deciding about my hair--big, feminine ponytail or flowing down my back, softly curled? The ponytail is less work, but we'll see how I feel when I've dried my hair.
Hmm...time for that shower.
Oh...P.S. The subbing wasn't so bad today. The kids were pretty good, even in my own class. I envy those 6th grade teachers, though. They get 15-20 at a time, whereas I get 46 at a time! Oh well, they're making slow but sure progress.
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