I had a busy day today, what with a full-day sub job and getting formally observed by Mrs. Principal. The subbing was typical--a bunch of apathetic high school math students not doing the assigned work.
The observation went well. My kids were particularly silly and whiny today, so Mrs. Principal got to see my classroom management skills on TurboPower today. From the typed notes she gave me, she was overall quite impressed. We'll sit down for a more in-depth chat tomorrow. I have my strengths and my areas to be improved, just like any other young teacher. I'm eager to see what kind of advice she can give me, especially because I respect her as an administrator.
Anyway, none of that has anything to do with the intriguing (and disgusting) title of this post.
No, the title of this post comes from what happened when a weary-but-satisfied Meg came home from work around three o'clock 0 this afternoon.
Side note: Before you sit there thinking, "Three o'clock?!? I was at work 'till 5:30!" please keep in mind that school starts at 7:45 in my district, and I had to get there early to get some things ready before my observation. I got to school at about 7:10. That's early.
I walked in the house with two bags from QFC, the mail, today's newspaper, my briefcase and my purse all dangling from various arms, hands and fingers. I rushed to the counter in the kitchen to set everything down.
Nice. There's cat vomit on the kitchen counter.

And there it was, regurgitated with gusto on the kitchen counter.
I took about 12 paper towels and picked up what I could, then grabbed a rag and a spray bottle of Clorox CleanUp.
The smell of Clorox and tuna was...I can't describe it. It made my toes curl. Horrible. Awful. Nasty.
Of course, is something is worth doing, it's worth doing right, and Millie had left a bit of "after-dribble" on the floor in the hallway, and some regurgitated plant on the stairs.
Good times to be had at my house!

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