Yep, I'm a big baby. I have never enjoyed storms. I do not like lighting, I hate wind, and thunder makes me want to crawl under my bed and hide.
Now, a few weeks ago, a severe wind storm (no thunder or lighting) knocked out our power, and it was out for three days. The experience was not fun, not exciting, even once we got a hotel room. I am a creature of habit and I like my comforts and routines. If I decide to shake things up, fine. But when it's out of my control? Not fine.
Anyway, with Mom and Dad out of town I have not been watching the local news much. Actually, at all. So I did not know that yesterday's rain showers would turn into major wind during the night. I did not know that I would wake up at 3:00 am, terrified, and with a blinking alarm clock. That I would remain awake until finally dozing off at about 6:00. For about 30 minutes. Needless to say, I'm sleepy this morning.
What kept me awake? Several things. The wind was noisy but had enough lulls to let me settle down a bit. But I'm also home alone, and having three freaked-out cats all over me didn't help. Every little jerk of their heads made me start and think, "What was that?!"
No, storms are not fun for me. Some people love them, are thrilled by them. Not me. Even without thunder and lighting, I was a wreck this morning. And my biggest fear? Not the boogey man. Not a tree crashing into the house (not likely, as they're all too far away to damage the house). My biggest fear was, "Oh God. What if the power goes out again?"
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