Monday, July 05, 2010

Ahh, Ranting and Raving

I'm going through a ton of old blog posts, assigning labels to them and replacing pictures, and I just came across this gem from 2005. It was in response to an article I'd read (sadly, no longer available) about a line of expensive Barbie-themed items aimed at women, in the hopes of encouraging the little girls who look up to these women to see Barbie as relevant. I was not amused.

This was before I was reading Jezebel, even.

It made me laugh. I stand by almost everything I said, except for my remark that little girls should be in head-to-toe pink ruffles. Let them wear overalls and t-shirts if they want, right?


Meg said...

All this from a woman who has a "little pink blog." Yes, it's been pink since July 2004. Then it got its nickname and every time I've changed the template around, I am stuck with the color scheme! It's okay, though.

alana said...

Like the new layout!

And I see nothing wrong with liking pink. I'm all for giving little girls more than princess toys and drowning them in the one color, but I personally like pink. Especially that bright Barbie pink. It just makes me happy.

Meg said...

Oh, I love pink in moderation. And Little Pink Blog is a play on Little Black Dress. I had Barbie-pink bedroom walls when I was a little girl. Pepto-pink. Very loud. : )