Monday, July 05, 2010


Now that the Peanuts Gang is pretty well settled into my bathroom, their personalities are starting to emerge. Instead of cowering whenever the bathroom door opens, they usually start talking, and emerging from the carrier to greet me.

Tuna Time is a huge hit, and the litter box is not only a great place to do as nature intended, but also a prime spot for stalking a sibling's tail and catching it off guard.

Most foster blogs I follow or have looked at don't really talk about the icky part of fostering--namely, the poo. Kitten poos are the worst-smelling poos in the world! They've got to be. That something so nasty can come from a cute, fuzzy little darling baffles me. But I suppose mothers feel that way about their babies sometimes, too! The gang is definitely keeping me busy with box-scooping, litter-sweeping, and feeding.

As long as everyone is eating, drinking, and pooing, I'm happy. I can deal with foul aromas if it means the babies are healthy.

I'm waiting to hear back from Marian for advice about bathing them--all need a little extra help staying clean, so I have a feeling I'll be sponge-bathing tonight.

Anyway, here's a crop of pictures to make you smile for today. : )

Lucy, Linus and Charlie Brown, hanging out on the Kitty Kondo.
Snoopy tries to attack from the bottom.
Linus contemplates jumping.
Lucy tries to climb up my pajamas.
Boys will be boys...Miss Lucy walks away from it all.
Linus finds himself in an awkward spot--don't worry, I helped him out about two seconds after this.
Lucy Lou surveys her domain.
Tuna Time!!


HubbleSpacePaws said...

ROFL! Yeah, they can be pretty rank. But, dear, we keep this under wraps in order to encourage fostering!

Just kidding! Everybody gets used to it!

Oh, one bit of advice. As they get more comfy with you, wear jeans into the arena. Seriously. My legs always wind up looking like AAA road maps after having kittens for a while. Because I forget.

Meg said...

Oh, I noticed! Lucy likes to try to climb up my legs to get some attention. And my hands and arms are ripped up from playing with them (I can't resist those little tummies!).

It's amazing that something so foul can come out of something so cute, but you really do get used to it, and I just let the bathroom fan run sometimes--doesn't seem to phase them. Neither did the vacuum cleaner!