As you get to know a cat, you start to really hope that they find an awesome home. If I had the time, space and money, I'd adopt more than two, but my lifestyle doesn't permit it. Millie and Harley are enough for me, but I still have a lot of love for the unadopted babies I see each Sunday.
I celebrated when I found out that sweet little Dora was adopted yesterday. She will make someone an excellent little friend--she is super-affectionate and eager for love.
When I set out to adopt a 2nd cat into my home in December 2008, I looked at cats on AFC's website. I was quite taken with Munique, and I seriously considered adopting her. The next day, I went to PetCo to have a look. Munique was at the Lodi sanctuary...and we all know what happened at PetCo. A little orange dude stole my heart and turned out to be a purrfect match for Millie and me.
Still, I felt a little bad. Older cats are harder to find homes for. While AFC is a no-kill shelter, I wanted to save Munique from always being overlooked and unwanted...and then I fell for a baby, just like most people do.
Imagine, then, my delight while looking through the AFC cat pages tonight. Munique has been adopted! I hope her new home is everything she deserves.

This morning I was on my own with the cleaning duties for the first time. There were only three cats at PetCo (usually four), and all were very sweet.
Zsa Zsa is a Duchess look-alike. She's very sweet but very shy. The last few times I've cleaned, she's allowed me to pet her, but she's been reluctant to let me move her from one side of the cage to the other. This morning, she moved herself and even brushed against the cage door, looking for attention! She's coming along, and I hope someone sees how special she is soon.
Zsa Zsa:


Are they doppelgangers or what?
Charlie Brown is new to PetCo, so this morning is the first time I met him. He's incredibly sweet, and quite the talker, providing more evidence that my vet is correct in his assertion that orange boys are the sweetest and friendliest cats around. He talked to me the whole time I cleaned his cage, and was very eager for ear scratches and butt-pats. Damage to his eyes as a baby caused permanent weepy eyes, but he's otherwise purrfectly healthy.

Also on hand was Shadow, but I can't find a picture of her. She's a VERY shy cat, new to PetCo, and still uncertain about how to act. I cleaned around her and talked gently to her. She seemed reassured.
I don't work with the AFC dogs, but I'm just browsing the web site and I came across Melony. Is she adorable, or is she adorable?

It's rewarding working with the cats--especially when I come back and they're no longer there because they found a home. Sure, I miss their sweet faces, but there are so many--too many--sweet faces waiting to replace them, looking for homes. I wish we had no need for animal shelters. As long as we do, I'm happy to offer support.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got two sweet furbabies to attend to, who are always up for cuddles. : )