I just found a
lovely little profile of Burnahm-on-Crouch on the Guardian's web site. It made me smile to see that someone else could be so utterly charmed by this gorgeous little town.
I spent a year living in Burnham, documented, of course, in the earliest days of
The Wild and Absolutely True Adventures of Meg. While the job was stressful, and I was sometimes homesick, Burnham never disappointed me. I loved it and miss the relaxed lifestyle it provided.
And just 'cause I feel like it, I will post some pictures of my favorite little English town.

The Crouch at dusk

Burnham's clock tower

The pharmacy--also the post office and place to get your pictures developed (this was before I went digital!)

Burnham Marina

An adorable old building

This is where I dropped a lot of outgoing, US-bound mail.

One of many large fields surrounding the town. So green!
I lived on Barnmead Way
Kathy and Derek (my English parents!) had a lovely home. (The lady with me in the picture is my Actual Mom, not my English Mum!)

St. Mary's Church

Kathy's gorgeous garden

The quay (pronounced "key"). I walked along the quay many, many times.

An old dock
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