I won't get into the gory details, but let's just say it was a busy, hectic, exhausting, frustrating, wildly hilarious, nasty, interesting, batty week.
My Idol
My big American Idol-esque fundraiser went very well on Thursday night--except that it almost didn't go at all! Twenty minutes before house was to open, we found that the sound board had died. The drama/stagecraft teacher was still around so he took a look--the board is fried.
"Megan...we might have to cancel your show."

In show business, the show must go on, and it did--thanks to some quick thinking on the drama teacher's part, and the clever rigging of a microphone, a portable CD player, and an amplifier. I think my heart rate is just now getting back to normal!!
The evening after that was a success. We finished at 8:40--much earlier than expected, and I was in bed by 10:00.
One of the campus security guys worked my show, ensuring that everyone left in a timely manner and didn't loiter on campus. He was great. We sat by the parking lot together waiting for all kids to get rides home, until about 9:30.
Towards the end of this time, I learned of some possible drama between one of the kids on my drum line and some other kids. My student is a good kid--and it turns out that he's sort of an innocent bystander in a feud between his friend and another kid. But at first, I thought that he was getting some grief from other drum kids--and that was disappointing.
These are some great kids and they are a fantastic team. So the thought of silly drama between them made me mad, actually!
I saw a few of them on Friday morning and asked what was going on. They set me straight. "No, Miss C! We're all friends."
"Exactly--a TEAM."
So I felt better...and happy enough to quip to Larry, "So, if the drumline has drama, do we call it drum-a?"
Mom's Good!
Mom made it through her surgery and is actually off the pain meds already. She's keeping her foot up and only walking on it to go to the bathroom and stuff. I'm sure between Dad ("She's got me waiting on her hand and foot--I can't get any rest!!") and the Terrible Torties, Mom's got plenty of love coming her way.
Still, I'm sending mine, too.
I thought about going home this weekend, but frankly, the thought of driving to Lincoln doesn't appeal. And my apartment was filthy, so last night I cleaned.
Five Servings a Day
I am ashamed to admit it, but I will state this publicly--to shame myself into better behavior:
I had take-out five nights in a row this week.
Terrible! On the agenda for today is a massive grocery trip, so I can stock up on fresh veggies and fruits. I'm craving salad, and soup, and healthier fare. Now that this week is over, I have some time to prep some food. I think I'll make onion soup, a pot of chili, and the preparations for a big Greek salad. That way I can just heat things up throughout the week.
Sounds marvelous!
As I mentioned, I did some cleaning last night--and about time! There were balls of hair on the bathroom floor (from brushing and having a cat) the size of Ping Pong balls. I'm not kidding!
Last night I did the hard part--scrubbing down the kitchen and bathroom counters, the toilet, and then sweeping, vacuuming the debris, and mopping the linoleum.
This morning I will do a quick dusting and vacuuming in the living room and bedroom, start some laundry, and make sure everything is straightened up. That won't take more than an hour, so I'll still have plenty of time to sit on my rear end watching movies or reading a book. I've just been thinking it's time to do a couple of re-reads...
Hmm, Decisions, Decisions...
Now, am I in a Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice) mood, or a To Kill a Mockingbird mood? I'll have to think on that one.
In the meantime, the sun is coming up (yes, Meg had a hard time sleeping last night...again), and I have an urge to get started.