Sunday, April 12, 2015

Beating the Blerch

In the month since I finished the Shamrock'n Half I've been battling some mild sciatica that comes and goes. Fortunately, it's not the kind of sciatica I've had in the past, which pretty much cripples me with intense pain to the point where I feel like I might throw up. This is more an annoying pain, some light pins and needles in my foot, and a general sense of being really tight. 

It's annoying as hell, too. Any kind of discomfort that hinders my running is not cool. After my requisite two-week break from heavy training post-race, I was eager to get back to the badass. And my stupid sciatic nerve had other plans.

In other words, I haven't been running a lot. And some days, like this past Friday, even walking on the the treadmill is impossible. 

Needless to say, the thought of signing up for another half marathon has not been a priority. When people ask when the next one is, I smile and say, "I'll think about it later." Meanwhile, I'm doing my weight training and cross training as much as possible, and spending time making love to my various rollers designed for both torture and relief. (Hurts so good!)

But on Thursday, an announcement rolled across my Facebook news feed--Matthew Inman, known by his famous and absurd Internet persona, The Oatmeal, is bringing his hilarious Beat the Blerch race to Sacramento in November.

Well, that's it. Sign. Me. Up.

If you're not familiar with Beat the Blerch, let me enlighten you. Click on the little link there. I'll wait.





You read it? Good. The first time I read this one, I nearly cried from laughing, and I gave myself some neck cramping from nodding so hard. I, too, run to beat the Blerch, in so many ways (because chocolate). 

Yes, The Oatmeal himself will be at the race, as will people in Blerch costumes, chasing the rest of us. I will not only figuratively be beating my personal Blerch, but literally beating large, glob-like Blerches on the course. There will be cupcakes, Nutella and "magical grape beverages" at the aid stations, and free race photos. It will be absurd and wonderful in every way.

So there you have it. My next half marathon has been chosen. Registration opens on Friday. By the end of 2015, I'll have three halves under my belt and some awesome Blerch-y souvenirs. 

And, of course, cupcakes. 

1 comment:

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