Saturday, August 11, 2012

Running Fool

I had a rough time running this morning, so of course, I immediately started playing the Frustration Game. "Ugh, I should be able to run longer. Ugh, why only one mile? UGH, my calves are cramping! Ugh, ugh, UGH!!!"

It's not a very entertaining game.

But here's the thing: I've been learning, slowly but surely, that this game is pointless and not at all helpful. I looked around at my fellow runners from the running club, and everyone was struggling. By 8:00 this morning, temps were already climbing (towards today's projected high of a mind-bogglingly awful 108), and every one of us was sweating, moaning, and whining about how awful we felt.

This is what's great about being in a group--I often come to realize that it's not just me.

I muddled through. I had hoped to do three or even four miles today, but settled for one. A combination of heat and fatigue were enough to make running very difficult today, and our de facto coach, Mark, assured me that taking it easy was the best course of action. After all, this was my sixth straight day of running (on the 7th day, I sleep in and REST) and I did three really hardcore strength training workouts this week. Not exactly lazy...but also, not exactly meeting my goal of 12 miles for the week. It's a fine line to walk, especially in a week like this, with one 100+ degree day after the other and a very narrow window of time to get out there and get the run in without melting.

Still, a lady can't help but wish for Fall to arrive, with its sweater-friendly temperatures. I long for days when I don't have to get up at 5:30 on a Saturday to get my run in before the mercury rises. I even kind of miss my running leggings, though  my new running skirt is doing a marvelous job of being comfortable and cool while still keeping things that need to be covered...covered.

The good news, however, is that despite the heat and the calves acting up today, overall, my running is getting stronger and faster. I don't mind doing it and I love how I feel when I get in my groove and can just zone out. My body feels good when it runs, and even better afterwards. I did a nine-minute mile last weekend, which once seemed impossible. It's not an everyday occurrence, and I was pushing myself, but I did it.

It's amazing how it goes once you break through the wall.

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