Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Week In Pictures

This is stuff I sold on eBay and had to take to the post office.

They didn't do this on their own--I helped.

I handed out music as part of my duties as the new Chorale librarian.

Harley tries to snoop on my Facebook interactions with Maayan.

Later in the week, MORE stuff I sold on eBay.

On Thursday I stopped by PetCo to see Lucy, and this is what I found. I was sort of sad to not get a chance to say goodbye, but I'm very, very happy for my sweet Little Lady Lucy.

On Friday, I cleaned out this part of my vacuum cleaner. Below is the picture of all the hair I cut out of it. I shed a lot.

That is one year worth of Meg sheddings.

Friday marked one of the first days in a long time we got a full afternoon of sunshine. It wasn't warm, but it was warmer than it has been in weeks, so I was able to crack the windows for some fresh air for a little bit.

'Tis the season for clementines. They're like candy. If I eat one, I'll eat five.

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