Monday, January 17, 2011

Welcome To Remembories Week!

A while back, I added the "Remembories" tag to the LPB.

A quick Google search of the term "remembories" brings up links to a photographer, this blog, and many other things, but nothing to help me figure out the origin of the term. It is, of course, a childish mix of "remember" and "memories," and I'm pretty sure it was used in the Lynn Johnston comic strip For Better or For Worse, which was a favorite of mine and my parents for a while.

Wherever it comes from, it's the theme for my blog this week. Today's Monday Music (scheduled to post two hours after this), tomorrow's Tuesday Tea Time, and the Wordless Wednesday (coming back after a holiday hiatus) will all be part of the theme. I have some "Remembories" stories ready to post, and some videos and pictures that will take me back to my childhood.

My childhood was a good one. My family had its ups and downs, like any family, and I was always adored. I was a sweet child with bratty moments. I was a child of the 80s, that time of excess, bad fashion and neon everything

All of these posts will contain the "Remembories" label, so feel free to go back in my blog archives and read past stories I've posted. Enjoy!

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