Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cat Fight

There seems to be a new kid on the block. New Kid is a cute little tabby who likes to flop down right under my living room window when I have it open for fresh air. This, of course, drives my indoor kids crazy. How dare that cat tease them like this?

A week or so ago, I could hear Harley's tail thumping against the windowsill. Harley is a generally happy-go-stupid cat. It takes a lot to rile him. Well, this cat did it. Before long, he was howling, growling, hissing, and puffing up.

Well, this got Millie going. Before you can say, "Crazy cats," both of them were pissed off--at each other. I've seen Millie growl at Harley in that typical "Get off me, you little twerp!" manner that Queen cats reserve for annoying subjects. But this was epic. Both cats were making that "meeeoowwwrrrrrrrrr" growling sound at each other, and tails were up to three times their normal size. Neither was calming down quickly, and Harley wouldn't even let me touch him for a few minutes.

Being the wonderful mother I am, of course, I grabbed my camera. Because admit it, those puffed-up tails are kinda cute, once the drama has passed.

Oh--and to solve the problem, I simply squirted water on the New Kid a few times, and haven't seen him/her back under my window since. I don't want to be unwelcoming, but there's only so much of watching my cats fight that I can take.

1 comment:

HubbleSpacePaws said...

Smart move... we get the same kind of redirected aggression here when strays (and neighborhood indoor/outdoor cats) come calling.

They do look cute with poofy tails, though! ;-)