Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Just Another Wacky Wednesday

Good grief. Tonight I find myself hiding from the world, complete with my Grey's Anatomy DVDs and a sugar cookie from the local market.

It wasn't a bad day, just wacky. The wacky kind of day that exhausts a person, and makes it next to impossible to do anything once arriving home but crash with some McDreamy. Which is what I plan to do, as soon as I blog and do the dishes.

What made my day so wacky? Allow me to explain.

It started with Harley. The devlish little Doodlebug decided it would be perfectly okay to dash across my bosoms at about 5:30, waking me up and also causing me considerable pain. I curled up and slept for a few minutes more, finally getting up at 6:00.

My morning routine was, well, routine. I arrived at school a little bit earlier than usual because I had an 8:00 meeting. At about 7:15, I unlocked the door to my classroom, walked inside, and--

Oh, shit.


Every single desk was pushed up against the wall. They were stacked in pairs, pushed against the front wall.

I saw Mrs. AP, and asked what had happened. Turns out my room was used for Picture Day yesterday.

I have absolutely no problem with this. The room is, after all, school property, not mine. But the picture people could at least have PUT MY STUFF BACK!

My 8:00 meeting was cancelled, so I spent my first period prep putting desks back. Mrs. AP, bless her, helped me out.

The teaching part of my day was fine, though 5th period has some splainin' to do about the massive ammounts of garbage left on the floor. Friday is gonna be fun. After school, I hosted our weekly school detention (there are about 8-9 of us who take turns) and found myself with quite a crowd.

About halfway through, I looked up to see one of the kids, Fred (not his real name), blowing spit wads through a straw. Oh, crap. Really? REALLY? That's just disgusting.

I called him over to sit with me and he did the old smile-nastily-and-take-one-step-every-sixty-seconds routine, which pissed me off. Of course, this was the design. The thing is, I don't normally have a problem with Fred. He has his behavior issues, but rarely with me. I guess today was a bad day.

He finally came over and sat down in the chair NEXT TO the one I was pointing at. This, my friends, is called a power play. After a few minutes of him whining and me repeating, "Move. Now." over and over, he finally plunked his butt down. Then he reached to the table we were sitting at, grabbed my tape, and started playing with it.

I asked him to give it back to me.

He moved to hand it to me. When I reached my hand for it, he jerked his hand back.

By now, every other kid in detention was watching and giggling. I got the tape back, and he promptly grabbed something else from my things. Second verse, same as the first, little bit louder and a little bit worse.

After another few minutes, I kicked him out of detention (automatic suspension) and wrote a lengthy citation to give to Mrs. AP.

Finally, my work day was over. I drove straight to the gym to do my thing. Afterwards, I needed a few things at the store, so I drove over and almost had some yahoo back into Rosie Pro's passenger side.

What is the knee-jerk reaction when trying to avoid an accident? That's right, slam on the brakes. So I did, and then watched Mr. Oblivious continue to back up towards my car. He was INCHES away from hitting me before he realized the crazy gestures coming from me meant, "DUDE! STOP!!" I finally got myself together enough to move out of the way.

I shook all the way through the market, and talked to myself a little, muttering random things like, "Fuck. Oh, hell" as I shopped. I vowed that the moment I got home I would lock myself in, have dinner, and then relax with some Grey's Anatomy. I'm not answering the phone, I'm not answering the door.

And I'm squirting Harley if he comes anywhere near my chest.


Dani said...

And here I always thought dog breath in your face is the worst thing ever. Having a kitty run across boobs = definitely unfun.

I'm also sorry that Fred is such a dick. There might be a severe lack of parenting at home, but taking it out on teachers makes me angry. I hope he learns his lesson from suspension - if not, I guess I know who to look for in the news a few years down the line.

Meg said...

Thing is, Fred is NOT a horrible kid--very troubled, with anger issues, etc. He's in foster care. I've rarely had problems with him 'til the last two weeks.

And yes, 10 or 12 pounds of hyperactive kitten on the boobs hurts like crazy.