Bella and Duchess are the Kindergatos, two littermates my parents and I adopted in Washington, shortly after I moved back to the States after a year in England. Millie and I helped raise the Terrible Torties before setting off on our own and eventually adopting Harley Dude.
Bella Blue is a feisty-but-shy short-hair tortoiseshell. Her sister, Lady Fuzz, Duchess of Lincoln, is a long-haired fuzzy floozy. They were nicknamed the Kindergatos one night when I was soaking in the bathtub and looked over to see two tiny tortie faces propped up against the edge, watching me. I said to them, "It's like teaching kittygarten!" A whole new vocabulary was born.
They have grown into a fat and sassy pair of sisters who still love to stick together. They can often be found curled up together in their bed, or the rocking chair.

Anyway, Mom and Dad are going to Pennsylvania for a week. They leave on Wednesday. It made things easier for me to collect the girls on Sunday, and Mom and Dad will come for them next Thursday, giving me nearly two full weeks of being a Crazy Cat Lady. That's four--count 'em, FOUR--cats in my apartment.
So far, we've had plenty of fun:
1. Millie greeting the sisters at the door with a nice, long hiss.
2. Harley driving the sisters crazy with his incessant in-your-face curiosity.
3. Bella taking over my bed and growling at Harley, who was looking to cuddle with his mom.
4. Bella hiding under the bed for about 30 of the 31 hours she's been here.
5. Duchess being the one who comes out to explore and get cuddles.
6. SOMEONE (probably Harley) upsetting the enormous water bowl I left out, leaving me a huge puddle to find in the kitchen when I got home from work today.
This is gonna be fun. : )
Oh dear God, you're crazy for agreeing to this. We once babysat another person's dog along with ours and having two dogs whoring for my attention drove me batshit crazy because OH MY GOD did my dog get jealous. Good luck with the kitties, haha!
Dani--I babysat them in October for three weeks (this was before I had Harley) and everyone did very well. Harley is a bit of a twerp, so they hiss at him, but they're starting to settle in.
Ohhh those faces! Aren't they adorable? They are really good girls, except for not putting their toys away. That's my job!!
We miss them here...
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