Saturday, May 16, 2015

My Week in Instagram (Week #129)

One crazy-busy week down, one crazy-busy week to go. Then Finals Week. Then vay-cay. But who's counting?


Millie is introducing the torties to the joys of garden
exploration. Duchess is an eager pupil.

...Bella, not so much. 

"I'll just watch from here."

Her eyes match the rug.

Bella eventually ventured a little further out. 

Millie and I spent some quality time relaxing on the patio.

The first tomato!

Bedtime cuddles.

15-pound dumbbells: Squat-Curl-Press, and push-up rows.
65-pound dumbbell: Sumo dead lifts.
45-pound barbell: Chest press.

My colleague's step-daughter saw me having a rough day last
week, and used her allowance money to buy me some fancy
chocolate. What a sweet, sweet, girl she is.

Mom put this centerpiece together. 

Centerpiece at the Sac Choral potluck.

Our fearless leader, Don.


Green. So much green.

I know there's a drought, but my car was filthy, inside and out.

Cleanest little Mazda in town.

Dress rehearsal for the guitar show. Here are my sopranos
and tenors.

And here are my altos and basses.

The garden. 


I feel pretty...oh so pretty...

Mom's hydrangeas are busting out all over.

Teeny, tiny hydrangeas-to-be.

New books!!!

So the USPS has Harry Potter stamps.


We were honored to sing in the guitar show. It was fun!

I went through some files and found notes I took 15 and 17
years ago in my undergrad classes. I don't know why I've kept
them so long.

Rain!!! These two girls got so soaked (this pic, it wasn't pouring
yet), I had to give them the extra t-shirts.

It started POURING, and there was thunder and lightning.

This calls for my Minnie hoodie!

Then it hailed. In May. In California. 

Ready to go!

Choir kids in gray, guitar kids in blue. 


He will send a ton of post cards. And I'll send a ton back. It's
how we communicate, my big brother and I. 

Friday was Day At the Bay, which is basically a huge party.

I was super-excited to have supervision duty.

I mostly paced (to get steps on my FitBit) and played on my

The media teacher has a drone. 

Later, I met Summer for some shopping and fun. While I waited,
I went to PetCo.

We totally went to see this and it was totally hilarious.


Today, we had Mexican food in downtown Lincoln. 

Then we found a little vintage shop and had a look around.

We stopped at Target and HOLY COW THEY'VE GOT

This is how we Caturday.

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