The week itself was fairly normal, but this weekend was eventful.
Cooking with Truffle-infused olive oil. I'm so classy. |
Black bean and spinach "muffins" (for lack of a better term) for my breakfast this week. |
Whole wheat pumpkin bread for the inevitable carb-loading. |
I used that olive oil on this tomato/basil/goat cheese pizza and it was pretty much as heavenly as you'd guess. |
Mom's garden is coming along nicely. |
For International Women's Day, I listened to some music by women composers my Music History classes failed to teach me about. |
I don't normally share quotes on Instagram, but I like this one. |
Bench pressing. : ) |
Monday selfie. I like my new eye makeup look. |
The stages of waking Millie from her mid-day nap. |
Ears. |
I love this face. |
Smoothie and Mozart for dinner. Must be Sac Choral time! |
It all makes sense to me. |
High A. At least he didn't give us any B-flats in this one. |
It's rare that I have to stop for a train on my way to/from the Large Suburban High School. |
This train lasted a while. |
And...fin. |
Another selfie. Why not? |
We did a fundraiser at Jack's, so that was dinner sorted. |
More awesome women composers. Hildegard's music was gorgeous. |
Rockin' the jammies-and-no-makeup look. |
Rain!! Not a lot of it, but still. |
Boots and leg warmers kind of day. |
My computer at work has been HORRIBLY slow lately. So is Lynn's. The wifi is overtaxed. |
It was starting to hit me that I only had a few days 'til I'd be doing my next half. |
Watching the Soyuz landing on NASA TV. |
Never too far from Mom. |
This pillow is for propping up my Kindle. "No, this pillow is for ME. Purrrr." |
Prom jewelry, a marching band uniform button, clarinet pin ...odds and ends from high school. |
"You have a day off?! WE CUDDLE!!!!" |
Throwback Thursday to Baby Meg. |
I spent some time finishing this on Thursday afternoon. |
In the evening, I had to go in for 8th grade Electives Night. I love these kids. They did everything. |
My choir room tree...showing signs of spring. |
Thank you for making my leaving SO much easier. |
I stopped at Safeway, fell in love with a duck, and...well, you know how I am. |
We've started a choir tradition of having breakfast during our midterm and final. So I offered up my Snoopy waffle iron. You know I love those kids when I make three batches of waffle mix. |
When we have midterms or finals, 3rd period starts at 7:45. |
We rehearsed for the first hour, and spent the second hour eating and watching a movie. |
I didn't even have to man the waffle iron. One of my girls did. |
I came home to find Mom and Dad chatting with our neighbor Don and his beloved Dixie. |
We all love Dixie. She's adorable. |
Friday night: Rehearsal at the Sacramento Community Center Theater. |
Sculpture |
I had a few minutes, so I wandered over to Capitol Park. |
Sign of the times. |
The back of the Capitol. |
Camellia. |
EVERYONE ignores this sign. I got a fellow singer to take this pic and we had a good giggle. |
Soon to be filled with wonderful music. |
Just me and 160 of my closest friends. |
Soprano eye-view. |
When he wasn't playing, one of the French horn players worked on the crossword from the funnies page. |
Ready to sing! |
Woke up to some Millie Love. |
My Shamrock'n outfit. |
I checked into my hotel room at about 1:00. The Hyatt is very nice. |
Stepped out on my balcony to enjoy the view of the Capitol. |
I took a walk over to Midtown, taking many pics along the way. |
Memorial Auditorium. |
That bridge, rendered in mosaic? I ran across it TWICE today. |
My mission--go to Fleet Feet to pick up my race packet. |
I love Street Art. |
One of a kind. |
K Street Mall, over behind my hotel. |
I went back to my room for an hour to relax. |
Then it was back to the theater for some rehearsing. Seems like all the signs around the theater get ignored. |
Break-time selfie. |
Dinner of champions back in the hotel room between rehearsal and call time. |
Backstage in my Goth Anne of Green Gables dress. |
Back in my room for the night. There's the cupola lit up. |
Very Tired Soprano. |
I'm already off to a huge start for this week, what with today's race--Half Marathon Number Two! I can't believe I do this stuff for fun.
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