Thursday, July 24, 2014

And So It Starts

It's almost August--holy yikes--and I'm checking my work email a little more often. Where I'd been logging in maybe once a week in June and most of July, now I'm making a point of checking every 2-3 days. Next week, I'll increase it. Two weeks from today, teachers are back in the saddle.

I'm excited. My grand plans are afoot for a fantastic fall concert, and I'm sincerely looking forward to seeing my kids again--the familiar faces and meeting the new ones.

Tomorrow is my last day with the exchange students. I'm glad...and it makes me sad to say that. But this year hasn't been fun--aside from having some really great co-teachers. Instead of teaching two groups, I've had to juggle three this year, leaving me feeling like I barely got a chance to know any of them. And the disorganization of the program itself has been truly bad this year. "Do this." "No, wait, don't do this, do that instead." Fifteen minutes later, a new person walks in and tells you both of the first two people were wrong.

I just end up doing what seems best at the time.

But it's all finished tomorrow, and next week becomes all about choir. I'll be recording voice parts for songs, working in my room and office, getting ready. I need to prep the piano lab for the class I'll be teaching this fall. I'll also be running, going to the gym, and going to my first kick-boxing class on Tuesday. That's exciting.

Maybe I'll even squeeze a mini-adventure in there, like a day trip to San Francisco. I haven't been to the city in ages.

It's nice to face a new school year feeling truly excited. Summer has been really great, and I've done my share of relaxing. I've made a ton of cards for my Etsy shop, and loved having time to use that creative outlet. I feel pretty recharged after a very hectic spring.

Here's to an even better second year!

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