Saturday, February 08, 2014

Duck Ladies Rule

Yesterday, in the middle of the madness that is getting showered and dolled up in a gym locker room, I noticed one of the aqua aerobics ladies sitting on a nearby bench, with two small rubber duckies next to her.

Well, that's intriguing.

I smiled to myself, then, after a moment, had a thought and flip-flopped (anyone else have a hard time walking normally in flip-flops?) over to my locker to grab my own small rubber duck out of my purse.

I approached her and said, "I couldn't help notice your rubber ducks, and I have to imagine there's a story there." The lady smiled and said, "Oh, yes! We needed something silly to celebrate TGIF, and one of the ladies in class had just done a wedding where there was a rubber duck theme..." (Um, I think I need to steal this idea someday).

Grinning, I lifted my right hand to show her Cali Swimmy. "I had to ask, you see, because I have a lucky rubber ducky."

Delighted laughter met this statement, and a conversation ensued in which we talked about our friends--our duck ladies--and how these silly little toys make us smile. She showed me one of her own two duckies, with its little stethoscope, and said, "One of the ladies gave me this one when my husband was having surgery."

The whole exchange left me smiling for quite some time, and as I left, I heard her telling other ladies in the class who came in after our chat about "another lady with a duck" and their own laughing responses.

I've had people tell me the whole duck thing is silly, or treat me like I should be embarrassed by it. I so disagree. There is so much joy and silliness to be found in this world, and it makes me happy to tote this ridiculous little duck around (he was in my purse this week for luck, as I had my second formal observation of the school year).

Besides, my duck ladies listen to me, humor me, and make me laugh on a daily basis. I hope I bring some comfort to them from time to time.

So Viva the Duck Ladies! May we all continue to celebrate joy and silliness.

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