Saturday, June 01, 2013

My Week in Instagram (Week #28)

It was, of course, a busy, crazy, hectic week...and I managed to get over 50 pictures. Scroll forward, if you feel like it!


I originally thought to do a theme revolving around a
Broadway show tune for each day this week, but that fell
through. Sunday was "My Favorite Things."

Harry Bear guards my books.

I love accessories. : )

This is right next to the bedroom door. It makes me smile.

Mom's flowers.

A collage of pics I took of our house decked out for
Memorial Day, and a sticker on the windshield of Dad's

(Monday was an easy day, just a trip to the gym and some down time at home to gear up for the rest of the week. It rained a little, hence what's about to happen with some of these pictures.)

Raindrops on roses...

Whiskers on kittens (who are almost 14 years old)...

Bright(ish) copper kettles...

And warm woolen mittens...
 I couldn't help myself, people.

Millie and Bella have become BFFs.

Bird bath.

Rainy day in the garden.
Tuesday (Adventures and misadventures in Old Sacramento):

Schoolhouse museum.

The place for costumes in this city.

...and rubber ducks.

Newer buildings peeking out from behind the old.

A ginormous Lego bear.

Tower Bridge

A glance back at Old Sac from the bridge.

Capitol Mall.


The clouds were clearing out on Wednedsay morning.

I had a brief little lull in action. This is what happens
when a teacher gets bored and takes a bunch of ridiculous
selfies. P.S. Yes, I do love it when my eyes go green.

The Frog Prince. The kids didn't get why I wanted him on
stage. I didn't tell them it's a Keane reference!!

The set looked awesome.
Thursday (in which I took exactly two pictures all day):

The stage, and the little "forest scene" the art teacher
created to hide me and Dr. Principal so we could feed lines
and lyrics in a very wordy play. The kids hardly needed us.

"You've been gone ALL DAY!!!! WE MUST CUDDLE!!!"

A collage of the flowers Dr. Principal gave me after
the show. She also got long-stemmed roses to give
one to every member of the cast. They LOVED it.

A pretty present from my 2nd graders (a little glass jewelry
box with a treble clef on it, very sweet!).

Second graders engrossed by "Fantasia 2000."

The notice board in the teacher work room.

Sun-kissed tomatoes coming in in Mom's garden.
Can't wait for them to ripen! She has a TON of varieties

Basil...smells so good.

I love these little birdhouses Dad painted and placed in
the trees. So cute!


Last night. I got up for two seconds. Where am I supposed
to sleep, then?!

I haven't taken any pics today. I taught a few lessons, went to Target to spend three gift cards I got from various classes this week (they spoil me!!) and came home to relax. I'm going to a fundraising party for Sac Choral tonight, maybe I'll get a few pics there. It's at an auto museum in Old Sac...and this time, I will NOT lose my parking ticket!

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