Monday, November 19, 2012


With all of the recent posting about Harley, it's easy to overlook the very sweet little cat I still have. Well, actually, it's not. You see, she won't leave me alone lately--she follows me around the house, sits on my lap when I'm at the computer, and cuddles with me until I have to politely ask her for a break.

I adore her. Always have.

My Millie is 13, but acts like a cat more than half her age. She still gets these wild little spurts of energy that send her flying around the house with a slightly puffed-out tail and a kittenish gleam in her eye. She never really gained weight as an adult, and remains a very slender eight pounds even though I see her snarf down her tuna every morning. She's a talker, always asking for more cuddles, more attention, more, more, more.

She's always been a special cat...these days, she's a life-saver.

So this week, as we celebrate all that we are thankful for, I celebrate a sweet little torbie named Millennium Joy, who never fails to make me smile, even as I'm admonishing her to kindly refrain from walking on my hair at night (ouch!).

Napping with Bella

I know she misses him, too...

Beautiful face


"Mom's home!!!!"

An all-time favorite Millie picture. She was no more than two years here,
this was taken in my apartment in Chico. It perfectly captures her spunk
and cuteness.

I don't know how many car rides this girl has endured, but every time I
visited my parents, from Chico, from Antioch, from Stockton, she
came with me, riding shotgun.

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