Thursday, November 15, 2012

Measuring A Year

A few days ago, I went back through old blog posts, and found that it was one year ago today that I met Matt, more commonly referred to around here as M. the Reasonable. I had signed up for more training and the gym's manager took a day to think about who to pair me with. So I was eager to get to the gym to see who he had chosen--this would be my fourth trainer and I knew that it was time to focus on finally getting to goal weight.

The manager pointed out my new trainer to me--or the back of his head, anyway, as he worked with a client several yards away. I found out his name was Matt, and I took a good look at him so I'd remember his face later, so I could introduce myself. My first impression, as written in the blog post from a year ago, was that he was your standard, "super-fit personal trainer jock-type." I had no idea what he'd be like to work with, but I knew if I could work with my previous three trainers, this one probably wouldn't offer too many surprises. And this proved true. He made me work, and would not have accepted excuses had I tried to give him any--I never tried. He was also always friendly, upbeat, and happy to answer my endless questions--he still is, actually.

In the year since I met and started training with Matt, a lot of accomplishments have been made. Here's a look, by the numbers.

1 -- Number of lifestyles changed.

3 -- Number of 5K races I've run, voluntarily, happily, and without complaint. Soon to be 4. 

5 -- Number of pairs of Old Navy Sweetheart jeans I've worn in the last year: size 10, 8, 6, 4, and now 2.

6 -- Number of days every week I try to get some sort of exercise in.

7 -- Number of adorable dresses I own and love wearing now that I feel comfortable in them (more to come!)

8:40 -- The time of my fastest mile to date. I was averaging about 10:30 earlier this year.

10 -- Number of Burpees I can push out in a thirty-second interval, if I really push myself. (I average 8-9.)

43 -- Number of pounds I have lost since November 15, 2011.

92 -- Number of pounds I have lost, in total.

This was July 2011...I was around 170 here, probably.

January -- Maybe 155-160?

At goal, 130, in September.

1 comment:

T.M. Cromer said...

Congrats on reaching your goal, Meg!