Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Meg the Music Teacher

What a marvelous day it's been!

Last night, I went to the new Fusion International Arts Center in Sacramento to help welcome the sixty Chinese students I'll be working with over the next three weeks. Today, of course, we started teaching them, and I had my hour of music/choir (I'll be teaching them some songs to sing in the final presentation they put on for their host families).

It felt so amazing to be back in front of a classroom. The kids are typical teenagers in the way they dress, the way they interact with each other (although culturally, Chinese boys and girls are far more formal with each other than American teens who flirt and badger each other to no end). But in the classroom, these kids are eager, and willing to participate. I had them doing sirens and whoops to warm up their voices today--believe me, I've had more than a few American and English teenagers in my career stare at me with a look that clearly says, "Oh, hell no, lady." These students looked a little shy, but everyone did what I asked.

Today was full of laughter, learning and joy for all of us--I have a feeling I'll learn more from our visitors than they will from me--but mostly I just want to share a few pictures I've been taking. Everyone is running around with cameras an iPhones!

The center used to be a big fancy furniture store. It's a work in progress.

The kids all picked their English names. : )

The students are divided into groups, and each group
has a color to identify them.

Everybody got a t-shirt. I managed to snag a blue
one--good thing. I don't look good in grey or orange!

This giant "lamp" doesn't light up, but it looks cool
and the kids can sit on it.

There's lots of art on display.

This is my teaching space. I stood on the steps and we had the kids in

Big meeting area and it will also be our performance space.

Teachers and host families, last night, waiting for the kids to arrive.

Like teens anywhere, these teens can eat pizza. : )

The host families waiting.

The bus pulled up outside the gate and Gayliene, our fearless leader, had
the kids start chanting, "Open that gate!"

So she did, and we all cheered.

Apprehensive and excited...and exhausted.

Meeting their hosts.

Today, a bunch of the girls gave the teachers and "buddies" (host family
kids who are participating in the camp to help and foster friendships)
some really cute key rings. I got three! This one I put on my car key.

I put one on my name tag lanyard to show them I appreciate the gift.
Super cute!

Tomorrow I'm going to have them sing some more, and we're going to listen to Ray Charles' "America the Beautiful." I have lots of fun ideas planned for them (including a Keane song!) and it's going to be great to see them open up and become more confident in their English skills, and see them enjoy California. 


Diane Fit to the Finish said...

I'm so glad you are able to share your knowledge with them. It looks like it will be an amazing time.

Maayani said...

Ohhhhh so awesome, Meg!! Between the writing and the pictures, you really make us feel like we're there! Have a great time with the kids -- I KNOW they'll have a great time with you!!